Frequently asked questions.

How does it all work?

Why do you want to learn Italian? Look at the package range and have a think about it. When you’re ready, you pay via the package page or contact me to discuss.

I supplement your lessons with homework (this is optional but encouraged) which may entail watching videos, listening to podcasts, completing interactive worksheets etc. Everything will be based on the previous lesson to help congeal your learning progress.

How do we communicate?

Skype and Zoom seem to work best. On the slim chance of internet issues on my end, don’t worry - I will ensure any time lost is redeemed.

Do you provide anything outside of the packages listed?

I can provide bespoke services upon request. Perhaps you would like a business-oriented course, or you and your friends all want to learn together for an upcoming trip. Pocket Italian is very flexible, and I can cater to most requests. Just contact me using the link at the bottom of any page.

How long does it take to learn Italian?

This is the most common question I get. The answer is that it depends. Like any learning, it depends on the amount of time you put into it. I have had complete beginners achieve intermediate status within 3 months. This is possible, but requires dedication on the learner’s part.

Do you really wear a coat all year-round?

No. Some days I just wear a wooly jumper :)